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On July 1, the Diocesan Department of Life, Dignity and Justice welcomed Sister Maria Arlina Barral as the new Associate Director of the Asian and Pacific Islander Ministry. Sr. Barral is a member of the religious congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo, Scalabrinians (MSCS). She has previously ministered in the Archdiocese of Mexico for many years and most recently in the Archdiocese of Chicago.

“I am excited to work at the local church, especially with the Asian Pacific Ministry here in the Diocese of San Bernardino,” Sr. Barral said. “This position will allow me to walk side by side and be an active collaborator in a diverse but unified faith community spreading the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The Office of Asian and Pacific Islander Ministry acts as an advocate for the spiritual formation, pastoral care and social concerns of all Asian-Pacific communities in the diocese, including Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Chamorro, Indonesian, Filipino, Tongan and Samoan.

“In the coming months, my main goal is to engage with the diverse Asian Pacific communities within our Diocese,” Sr. Barral said. “I want to attend their Sunday Masses whenever possible, to connect with community members, and to learn about their rich expressions of faith. Through this, I hope to build relationships and gain firsthand insight into their cultural and spiritual traditions… I sincerely hope to be a source of hope for the Asian Pacific communities within our Diocese, striving to build a strong sense of togetherness in Christ that goes beyond our diverse ethnic backgrounds.”

In her free time, Sr. Barral loves preparing simple yet delicious Filipino and Mexican dishes, staying active by going for walks or dancing and as a top priority, she loves staying connected to her loved ones.