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By Deacon Eric and Rosalie Vilchis
Over 100 deacons and their wives and two widows of deacons participated in the annual diaconate retreat held in Ontario from June 21 - 23. The retreat included presentations, prayer, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, relaxation, socializing, and concluded with Mass celebrated by Bishop Alberto Rojas.

The theme for this year’s retreat was, “The Holy Eucharist.” The presenter was the Very Rev. Rafael Partida, E.V., Director of the Diocean Office of Divine Worship, who spoke about the need to “go deeper” and to allow God to encounter us.

Fr. Partida told the deacons that when they live in the home where God dwells, they can show others how to find that place in themselves. He stressed the need for the deacons to allow themselves to be loved by God, who delights in us, and he invited the participants to see God as a father, and to imagine living lives that make God, the father, smile.Throughout the weekend participants were encouraged to spend time in the chapel where they could pray before the Blessed Sacrament that was present in the tabernacle, venerate a relic on display of St. Peregrine, patron saint for persons suffering from cancer, and other life-threatening illnesses, and remember the deceased deacons and wives of the diocese whose names are enshrined in the book of remembrance.

The diaconate community also welcomed two deacons who are new to the diocese at the retreat, Deacon. Peter Solan, assigned to Sacred Heart parish in Palm Desert, and Deacon Guillermo Torres, assigned to St. Mary Magdalene in Corona.

Deacon Eric Vilchis is assigned to The Holy Name of Jesus parish in Redlands.