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After serving 37 years in accounting ministry for the diocese, Peggy Koster retired on June 28. She spent her final day of service being celebrated at the Diocesan Pastoral Center for her commitment and dedication to the diocese for nearly four decades.

“I’ve had a lot of fun, but you have to know when it’s your time to step away and let someone else have fun,” Koster said at the reception when asked to give a brief farewell speech.

Koster has worked in various accounting ministry roles for the Diocese since 1987 with the last three as Controller. She had previously served as Director of the Diocesan Office of Accounting for 23 years.
The celebration began with a special Mass, presided by Bishop Alberto Rojas in honor of Koster’s retirement. In the homily, Monsignor Gerard Lopez, STL, Vicar General, thanked Koster and mentioned that during her years of ministry, Koster has served under three popes, four bishops and five chief financial officers (CFO). One of the former CFO’s, Laura Clark, was in attendance and also took a moment to reflect on working with Koster for ten years and thanking her for being an honest, hardworking woman of faith.

The Mass was followed by a reception, which included presenting Koster with special gifts in honor of her journey into retirement. Some of the gifts included an album with photos of Koster through the years and written warm wishes from Pastoral Center lay ministers. After saying a few words of thanks to Koster, Bishop Rojas, in honor of the occasion, bestowed upon Koster the prestigious Amar Es Entregarse Award, named in honor of Bishop Emeritus Gerald Barnes’ Episcopal Motto, which means “love is the total giving of oneself.” In addition, Bishop Rojas presented an elegantly framed image of Saint Bernardine of Siena, Patron Saint of the diocese, to serve as a reminder of Koster’s service and impact on the Diocese.

Congratulations Peggy and our prayers for a blessed retirement!