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By Anthony (Tony) Kurzweil

More than a week of reflection and festivities commemorating the 50th anniversary of St. Anthony Parish in Upland was brought to a memorable close on August 17 with the unveiling of a new statue honoring its patron saint and a Golden Jubilee Mass celebrated by Bishop Alberto Rojas.

The impressive figure of St. Anthony of Padua holding the child Jesus in his arms now stands tall at the entryway to the church’s courtyard.

“This image has been intentionally placed in this location to be a welcoming presence for all seeking faith and community. It bears even more significance in that it has been erected for the 50th Jubilee of this parish community,” Bishop Rojas said during the dedication ceremony.

After blessing the statue with holy water, Bishop Rojas processed into a packed church with several clergy members who played significant roles in the history of St. Anthony’s including Bishop Emeritus Gerald Barnes, current pastor Father Gerald Vidad, and former pastor Father Edmond “Ned” O’Donnell.

Like many Catholic celebrations, St. Anthony’s jubilee began with a time of prayer and reflection.

Eight days before the Jubilee Mass, a 24-hour Adoration allowed worshipers to spend time in the presence of Jesus. The devotion ended the following morning with a Eucharistic Procession around the church, as the Blessed Sacrament was presented to the surrounding community.

“It’s fitting that we started our celebration of the jubilee by promoting the Eucharist,” Fr. Vidad said. “It’s a powerful witness to the community to declare our faith.”
During his homily, Bishop Rojas also talked about the Eucharist and its connection to St. Anthony.

“St. Anthony of Padua was devoted to Jesus in the Eucharist … He’s known for his defense of the real presence of Jesus,” Bishop Rojas said. “St. Anthony once said, ‘The life of the body is the soul, and the life of the soul is Christ.’ This is St. Anthony, your patron saint.”

The life of the parish is sometimes most visible in the charitable work of its ministries, which are too many to list.

During the jubilee period alone, many volunteers were called to prepare a parish barbeque, present a live performance of the life of St. Anthony, put on a movie night, host a Bunco game, assist with the veneration of the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis and serve at the Jubilee Dinner held after Saturday Mass.

This spirit of St. Anthony parishioners goes back to its first members who gathered faithfully in a multi-purpose building in 1974.

This new building was used for Mass on Sunday, formation classes and meetings. “This space today is used as the parish hall,” said Fr. O’Donnell, who in 1994 led the design of a new church to meet the needs of a growing parish.

Fr. O’Donnell embraced the challenge in the true spirit of St. Anthony who famously said, “Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak.”

With the help of a committee and the support of nearly every parishioner, a vision of a church with a visible side chapel prominently displaying the Tabernacle and a large window offering a beautiful view of the San Bernardino Mountains above the altar became real and was consecrated by Bishop Barnes just three years later.

While reflecting on the Church’s jubilee Fr. O’Donnell offered this message to parishioners, “Now that 50 years have passed since the establishment of the parish of St. Anthony, each of you are called to be His witnesses and continue the work of God. May the Good Lord bless you now and always.”

Anthony (Tony) Kurzweil is a member of the Knights of Columbus Council 17097