By Marie Widmann

VICTORVILLE—The enormous big rig accelerated into the intersection as the light changed from red to green. The truck driver raised his arm high, pulling down hard on his horn which blared in support as he drove past the families lining Palmdale Road bearing signs declaring “No Planned Parenthood in Victorville” and “Women Deserve Better.”

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THERMAL—After nearly a decade Sister Gabi Williams, O.P. will be leaving her ministry as a consultant to the diocesan Office of Social Concerns in the Eastern Coachella Valley on July 1.

 Fortunately, she won’t be going too far.

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 With the Savings Accountability Full Enforcement (SAFE) California Act set to go before California voters in November, the Diocese of San Bernardino will offer many opportunities for local Catholics to discuss and reflect on the death penalty and why it is opposed by the Church.

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 “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

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By David Okonkwo

RIALTO—The morning sunlight was perfect. The morning dew that settled on the grasses through the night was just drying and the quietness around the grounds longed for some company. We unloaded the truck with all that we brought and quickly began to set up. 

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SAN BERNARDINO—When Jeanette Arnquist took a seat on the newly created diocesan Human Concerns Commission in 1986, social justice ministry here could have been likened to a mustard seed.

 True to Jesus’ metaphor about the expansive power of faith, the ministry has blossomed over the past 25-plus years and Arnquist’s steadfast work and leadership is a key reason why. She retired from her position as director of the diocesan Ministry of Life, Dignity & Justice on June 22. She was known as an outspoken advocate of the poor and disenfranchised, as noted by many who paid her tribute during a retirement celebration at the Diocesan Pastoral Center on June 21.

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