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Six men will be ordained as permanent deacons on August 24 at Queen of Angels Church in Riverside. They are Rosario Alcázar, Dieudonne Daba, Timothy Lucas, Fernando Martinez, Alejandro Reyes and Ruben Rodriguez. There will be a livestream of the ordination, which can be found at: www.youtube.com/sanbernardinodiocese. Read below to meet these men and learn what drew them to the Permanent Diaconate.

Rosario Alcázar
Home Parish: St. Charles Borromeo, Bloomington
Occupation: permanently disabled
Ministries of Interest: I am willing to serve wherever I am most needed or where I can be most useful in the service to God and our parish community.
What inspired you to become a deacon?
Since I was young, I have liked all things related to God. When I was 12 a priest from Apatzingán, Michoacán, México invited me to enter the seminary, but my mother did not give me permission to go. Later, in 1991 at St. Charles Borromeo Church, I met Deacon Manuel Olivas and Father Richard Humphries. At the time, I was serving as an usher, and I liked how they got along; they were my inspiration. One day I congratulated them on how well they served together, and they invited me to join. Although I was not able to enter at that time, it was there that the desire to form myself to serve better began. By serving with Father Miguel Corona more broadly on the altar, I noticed the great need that the priests have of our help.

Dieudonne Daba
Home Parish: St. Christopher Parish, Moreno Valley
Occupation: Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional (QIDP) and Administrator
What inspired you to become a deacon? I was with my wife when a priest tried to introduce me to the formation to the Permanent Diaconate. Although the priest never tried to talk to me about that again, his thoughts have constantly been reechoed by my wife. It almost became like a daily song: According to my wife, the Church has invested a lot in me while I was doing the formation to the priesthood. She wanted me to give back to the Church. My answer to her, stating that I will use all my knowledge for the good of my family, and will give back to the Church in another way, was not satisfactory for her. She wanted me to go beyond the family. My family eventually moved from Riverside to Moreno Valley. There, we had a new parish, St Christopher. There, I was involved in the RCIA program. Shortly after I started, my wife continued ringing the bell of the formation to the Permanent Diaconate. After a while I gave in and decided to meet with the Pastor of St. Christopher. That was indeed my first meeting with the pastor of the parish and he immediately connected me with the office of the Permanent Diaconate. From here, my journey to the Diaconate started.

Timothy Mark James Lucas
Home Parish: St. Matthew, Corona
Occupation: Professional Tractor Trailer Driver/Warehouse Worker
Ministries of Interest: The ministries that will continue to be of interest to me as I begin my new ministry to the diaconate is Restorative Justice, visiting the incarcerated in the jails and eventually in the prisons. Working with my parish in RCIA and other parish ministries. To serve our Church communities and communities outside of our Church communities. Continue to be of service in feeding the poor, in the soup kitchens, and food pantries. To serve where needed.
What inspired you to become a deacon?
What inspired me to become a deacon was the working of the Holy Spirit. To serve the people of God with His love, joy, care, and compassion. Serving in Restorative Justice at the Diocese of San Bernardino. Visiting the incarcerated in the jails, and eventually in the prisons, and other forms of charitable works within our communities. Being that Minister of service and charity with our Church community and outside of our Church community, and the world. Continue to be of service in feeding the poor, in the soup kitchens, and food pantries. Being of service in the trenches of life.

Fernando Martinez
Home Parish: St. Catherine of Alexandria, Temecula
Occupation: Information Technology
Ministries of Interest: RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), Marriage Preparation
What inspired you to become a deacon?
Encouraged by my youngest daughter, my wife and I came back to Church after a prolonged absence, we joined the ministry of Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Catolico (MFCC), where our relationship with our Lord flourished. I was so grateful and loved being of service to our community, I sensed the call to the diaconate, I was then encouraged by the clergy. As I participated in the Ministry Formation Institute programs, going through Parish Ministry Formation Program (PMFP) and Continuing Ministry Formation Program (CMFP), my heart, mind and soul were nourished further and inspired, the call became clearer and stronger to serve in the Holy name of Jesus to all. Blessed be God forever.

Alejandro Reyes
Home Parish: St. Mel, Norco
Occupation: Machine set-up
Ministries of Interest: The role of the deacon is to serve and help his community, inside and outside of the church, according to his capacities and the time that he has available to help. The pastor will be the one who determines the areas in which I can serve. Wherever there is a need surely there I will have an interest. God is the one who has called me. God himself will be who illuminates me to do his will and not my own. AMEN.
What inspired you to become a deacon?
The need I could see and understand in the years that I served in my community. The call and the desire that God has put in my heart to help others. These are some of the many inspirations that motivated me to pursue the journey of the diaconate.

Ruben Rodriguez
Home Parish: Our Lady of Hope Catholic Community, San Bernardino
Occupation: Welder
Ministries of Interest: The first ministry that interests me is marriage ministry, which is one of the ministries in which I have participated most. I know it is difficult because for example when only one person wants to serve, they can serve in whatever ministry they want, however when it is two people serving together it is more difficult especially in the marriage ministry groups because sometimes it is difficult if one person is committing some fault for them to recognize this, accept it and make the changes that are necessary. That is why I think that this is where more help is needed.
The other ministry of interest is with the youth because it is difficult for them to want to be in a meeting where they talk to them about God. Of course, Lastly, what I have been feeling called to lately is something like counseling or spiritual direction, but I need to investigate further what one needs to study for this because in the communities this is something that is needed as we have been told by many couples and as I have also observed.
What inspired you to become a deacon?
To be honest, I started taking steps in education to learn more and therefore be able to teach others. At the beginning I started studying only to learn, then I started to become interested. Later, when I was completing the CMFP they invited me to continue studying for the diaconate, and I would tell them I was not interested because I only wanted to help my community. However, I learned that it is God who has the last word, and now I look around and I cannot complain for having studied during these years. I feel like time has flown and that this will be a way to be able to serve the community.
I would sometimes see the deacons in Mass and would say that one day I would be helping the priests as well, but that was a long time ago. But if I am here, it is because God has permitted it, and it is so that I can serve.