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By Elena Macias

The journey to the priesthood for Thomas Davis and Alfredo Ledesma came to an end and their lifelong service to the people of God began at this years’ Priesthood Ordination Mass on May 18 at St. Adelaide Church in Highland.

“Today, we come together with a heart full of joy and gratitude for the gift of the priesthood,” Bishop Alberto Rojas said in his homily. “The same Holy Spirit mentioned by the Prophet Isaiah in the first reading, is coming upon these two brothers, Deacons Alfredo and Thomas, who are about to become priests of Jesus Christ, priests of the new covenant. Dear brothers, just like the Prophet Isaiah, the Lord is anointing you today and sending you out to bring good news to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted and comfort all who mourn.”

The Priesthood Ordination Mass began with Davis and Ledesma joyfully processing into the church walking side-by-side with their mother and father. The chief celebrant of the Mass was Bishop Rojas, with Bishop Emeritus Gerald Barnes, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Rutilio J. del Riego among the concelebrants.

In homily, Bishop Rojas offered the soon-to-be priests his advice as they transition from studying in the seminary to serving God’s people as priests. Following the homily, Davis and Ledesma began the rituals of becoming priests, including promising respect and obedience to Bishop Rojas and to his successors, and the Litany of the Saints, during which Davis and Ledesma laid prostrate on the floor.
Then, Davis and Ledesma took turns kneeling before Bishop Rojas for the Laying on of Hands, where Bishop Rojas invoked the Holy Spirit to come down upon them. Following Bishop Rojas, every brother priest in attendance came to perform the Laying on of Hands to Davis and Ledesma. Afterwards, Bishop Rojas offered the Prayer of Ordination, asking God to consecrate the men, which made Davis and Ledesma priests.

Next, it was time for the vesting of the Newly Ordained, where Davis and Ledesma received their priestly stole and chasuble. While being vested, Ledesma shared a warm embrace with his mother after she helped lay the chasuble over him. The two new priests then received the Anointing of the Hands with the Holy Chrism and the Handing over of the Bread and Wine, the last rituals of their ordination.

Bishop Rojas then stood up and with a wide smile said, “Peace be with you,” as he walked toward Father Davis and Father Ledesma with open arms for a hug for completing their Priesthood Ordination. The end of the Ordination was met with a standing ovation that continued as Fr. Davis and Fr. Ledesma turned to give each other a hug before turning to their now fellow brother priests to receive a congratulatory hug from each of them.

Near the end of the Mass, Fr. Ledesma took a moment to thank those who helped him in his journey to the priesthood.

“!Sí se pudo! (We did it!) We would like to thank our God who has called us and for the gift of the priesthood that we received today,” Fr. Ledesma said, speaking in Spanish. “Thank you to Bishop Rutilio del Riego for all the years he shared with us at Serra House, to Bishop Barnes for having accepted us into the seminary at Serra House, and to Bishop Rojas for his continual support and for having ordained us priests today. Lastly, we want to thank all who are here, the Church of San Bernardino for your support and prayers.

Fr. Ledesma then drew laughs in referencing a remark of former Serra House Rector, Father Jose Sanz. “He would always say, ‘the fact that we are here is your fault! Because when you pray God calls and when God calls us, we have to give a response.'”

The following day, Pentecost Sunday, Fr. Davis celebrated his first Mass at his home parish, St. Christopher, Moreno Valley, where he was previously a youth minister, and he took time to thank those who have helped him on his path to the priesthood.

“Thank you for the many years that this parish has supported me,” he said. “It’s amazing coming from that pew over there with my family coming to the pastor’s chair, and I hope that the birth of the Church can also be the birth of my priesthood, that the Holy Spirit can work through me to help all of you and that you, too, can help me to grow.”

To end the Ordination Mass, Fr. Davis and Fr. Ledesma offered their first pastoral blessing over Bishop Rojas, who then made the announcement that Fr. Davis will be assigned to The Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Redlands and Fr. Ledesma will be assigned to St. Joseph Parish in Upland for the first three years of their priesthood. Before processing out to begin their lives in service for the Church, Davis and Ledesma offered a pastoral blessing over their parents.

Elena Macias is the Managing Editor of the Inland Catholic BYTE and El Compás Católico.