The program is designed for people whose first language is Spanish. It includes six colorful activity workbooks and a CD for each student. The workbooks topics are: Introduction, Health Care, Finance, In the Workplace, Education, and Citizenship. Students listen to the CD, read and write in the workbook. There is no charge for the materials, however registration, evaluation, and follow-up are required.
There will be a free training session for volunteers who would like to lead this program in their parish. The training session will be Sunday, December 9 from 1:00-4:00pm at the Pastoral Center, 1201 E. Highland, San Bernardino. If you are interested in starting this program in your parish, please contact the Office of Social Concerns to register at 909-475-5467 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There is no cost to be trained to use Maestro en Casa. (Parish volunteers who already have an ESL program are welcome to use Maestro en Casa as a supplement, but do need to register for the training.)