To me family means a group of people that love one another and will do things for them because they love them, and will always protect them. They also value the other people in the family, and also care for them, help them, and provide for them. The reason that family members would do things for other family members is because they care for one another because they love each other. That also goes for pretty much everything; it’s because they love each other. The perfect example of a family is The Holy Family.
Why a family loves each other is because God loves us, so he puts us in families that are the best fit for us, and he also will encourage us to love the people in our family more than we already do. God also strengthens our family by putting us through challenges and obstacles to pull us closer together. That is an example of how God is a part of our family, and how much care and love he has for us.
And what is also cool about families is that sometimes they are willing to take in an extra child from adoption or as foster parents.